Zipporah’s Whispering Barn, oil on canvas, available.

Long-shadowed Shepherd’s Wagon, oil on canvas, missing

Ranch Snow, oil on canvas, available

Baker City Coal Truck, oil on canvas, collection of the artist

Anaheim Garden, oil on canvas, available

Cottonwood Veil, oil on canvas, private collection

California Barn, oil on canvas, collection of the artist

Sheep Passed This Way, oil on canvas, collection of the artist

Abe, oil on canvas, private collection

My Dump tTuck, watercolor on paper, private collection

Lynn R. Miller’s artwork is represented by Davila Art & Books. For availability and purchase information please contact kema@davilabooks.com or call Kema Clark at 541-549-2064

Please note: No prints are made of Mr. Miller’s artwork. All are originals.